Hurricane Wiki

Andrew444 Andrew444 15 June 2020

A couple of interesting lists

Dear Hurricanes Wiki,

Over the past year, I have been working on a couple of tropical cyclone-related trivia lists for pleasure. Since I have now finished compiling all of the pertinent information, I am sharing my work with all of you. You are welcome to share this work, and you do not need my attribution:

  • First, here is a link to a table detailing the most intense tropical cyclones worldwide (in terms of barometric pressure). With a cutoff of 905 mbar (hPa), you can see how strong a particular cyclone was not only globally, but also in its own basin. For areas that have no storms on the table (e.g. the Central Pacific), the strongest storm is given in the addendum section at the bottom of the table. Moreover, the following abbreviations areā€¦
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StevDev StevDev 2 June 2020


I have to update you guys on things that have been going on. It's been a very dark time for all of us in America, from the pandemic which is still ongoing to the unrest happening around the country due to the brutal death of George Floyd. Because of all the events, I feel like tracking hurricanes and posting here are no longer one of my top priorities. I'm more prioritized on following the news right now to keep up to date with the current events, because these are really uncertain times. Tomorrow is also Blackout Tuesday so I will generally avoid social media, that includes this wiki, in order to mourn his death and contemplate. I encourage anyone reading this to do the same. As you can see, I changed my PFP to a fist to show support for ā€¦

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Andrew444 Andrew444 18 May 2020

Will Marco Rubio request the retirement of the name "Marco" on Atlantic List VI?

Hello, everyone! It has been a while since I have a written a blog here on the Hurricanes Wikia, and I am excited to write another one!

Today, I want to talk about a potential change in this year's Atlantic naming list. To provide some background about my post, names can occasionally be retired for political reasons. For example, the name Adolph was removed from List V in the Eastern Pacific in 2001 because of the similarity with Hitler's first name. In addition, Gloria (the PAGASA name for Typhoon Chataan) was replaced with Glenda after 2002 following Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's re-election as President of the Philippines in 2005.

With this in mind, I pose the following question - could the name Marco be removed from List VI of the Atlantic this yeaā€¦

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StevDev StevDev 29 December 2019

Vision for 2020, planned design changes

As you all know, this decade is coming to a close. This decade will be very memorable for sure, being the decade I grew up from a child to an adult. I went from being a prepubescent boy at the decade's beginnings, reached puberty in the next couple years and became a teenager, spent the middle years of the decade as a teen, and grew into adulthood in the last few years of this decade. I've also first developed an interest for tracking hurricanes back in September 2010, creating an account here and at Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki a few years later. Since then my interest has remained pretty strong and I've witnessed many users of this wiki come and go. I joined this wiki at a time when it was replete with users who are now inactive. Howeverā€¦

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JavaHurricane JavaHurricane 14 December 2019

Removal of vandalism

Hello everyone. After seeing the spam/vandalism left on the betting pools by the sockpuppets of Rara, I asked Isaac (Nova Crystallis) on Discord if I can remove the vandalism. Isaac gave me permission for the same, but I want to ask the others if the spam should be removed. I will decide the further course of action upon reception of replies. -- JavaHurricane 05:47, December 14, 2019 (UTC)

UPDATE: I asked Isaac on Discord if I can clean the Betting Pools, he has given me full permission, so I am cleaning up the pools now!  -- JavaHurricane 08:14, December 15, 2019 (UTC)

UPDATE 2: All vandalism (as far as I know) removed. -- JavaHurricane 15:21, December 15, 2019 (UTC) UPDATE 3: Some more vandalism on the 2018-19 SHem pages has been removed. -- Javaā€¦

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JavaHurricane JavaHurricane 1 December 2019

Hurricane Center Wiki

Hello everyone. Recently I came across a wiki created by Atomic7732 called the Hurricane Center Wiki. It was used in the past to issue unofficial advisories on TCs. Having decided to join it, I invite you all to join it as a sister project of Hurricane Wiki. [[1]]

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StevDev StevDev 24 October 2019

The fate of this wiki

This wiki nowadays just seems so...dead. And it's a deadness that feels much more typical for off-season months like January-April than for October. It feels like I am the only user who actually updates and posts about areas of interest or new systems around the world. While other users still occasionally chime in to post about active storms, such as Jas, Ryan, Sandy, Beatissima, Dylan, and some more inactive users, the forums overall seem unusually dead in comparison to past years. With this decrease in activity, I feel like this wiki is about to take a turn for the worst, like what was seen around 2009-10 when very few users posted at all even during Atlantic hurricane season.

To see examples of the inactivity that I'm talking about, takeā€¦

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StevDev StevDev 19 August 2018

Another username renaming

I'm going to talk to you guys about another username change that I'm going to do tomorrow. To be honest, I never actually liked the name "SteazySteve" much, I only picked it because "SteezySteve" was taken and I had to misspell "Steezy" on purpose. I thought "SteezySteve" would be a great name considering Steezy and Steve both start with the same 3 letters. Also, I couldn't really think of any better name than that. My new username will be "StevDev". It combines the first four letters of my first name with the first three letters of my last name. And both sections end with "v", which I think is very fitting and makes for a nicer username than "SteazySteve". It doesn't appear that StevDev is taken. What do you guys think of my new upcoming ā€¦

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ThatBlindMouse100 ThatBlindMouse100 19 September 2019

Should the NHC include ethnic minority names on the lists?

Let's debate: should there be ethnic minority names (e.g. Asian, Islamic, African-American, etc) names on the naming lists?

In my opinion, there should be some ethnic minority names (about 5%) on the current naming lists for the Atlantic and East Pacific basins in the future. East Pacific storms nowadays like to cross over to Hawaii, with a large (and majority) east Asian population. English names popular with east Asian-Americans (e.g. Vivian) should be on the EPac naming lists as a result. The abundance of Hispanic names in the EPac should remain as there is a growing Filipino population in Hawaii as well as some storms' tendencies to cross into Central America.

In addition to what I stated above, the Australian basin already has ethnic Asā€¦

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ThatBlindMouse100 ThatBlindMouse100 19 September 2019

Event: Decide on the 2018 PACIFIC HURRICANE season outcome!

Hellooooo everyone!

This event is a spin-off of CycloneRyne94's Atlantic Voting pool that you may have seen on HHW. Because there doesn't seem to be a Pacific version, I'll create it instead right here! Vote on what you think the outcome will exactly be based on the following scenarios below.

Note that I've affectionately given some hurricane names nicknames :) Anyway please place your votes and comment!

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KingLucarius KingLucarius 23 April 2018

Notes to consider going into 2018

First of all, predictions call for an average to slightly above average season, considering an El Nina is also reported, this season is looking active. So here are some things to keep in mind: 

1. The previous(and devastating)season was expected to be about the same activity.

2. There is an La Nina involved, causing conditions to be favorable. 

3. Every forcast that has been relased has called for more than one major hurricane, all but one say 3 or more. 

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ThatBlindMouse100 ThatBlindMouse100 19 September 2019

Which hurricanes match this description?

Just asking which hurricanes match the following description:

  • male
  • atlantic or east pacific
  • category 2 - 4
  • annular (or very close to it), so must be round and tight-looking
  • born 1994 - 2000 (preferably near 1998)
  • eye must not take up plenty of the cloud
  • fluffy, full but a defined appearance
  • fluffy, soft-ish but defined eye
  • symmetrical


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ThatBlindMouse100 ThatBlindMouse100 19 September 2019

Predicting the year of birth based on first name alone using a calculator... USING THE OFFICIAL NHC HURRICANE NAMES.

Hello everyone! 

Just woke up from a 7 hour nap (it's 12am on a Friday night where I should be off to the clubs with friends but I'm too tired to do anything ahaha) after getting no sleep last night due to a group assignment... ah well.... Easter break is finally here though!

Anyway back on topic, I keyed in some official hurricane names designated by the NHC into Randy Olson's Name Age Calculator which predicts the year of birth of someone given their first name alone using a special algorithm based on Social Security records in the US. Some results were as expected and others were a little bit more shocking.

  • 1 Results
    • 1.1 2023 EPac
    • 1.2 2018 EPac
    • 1.3 2019 Atlantic (male) with other names
    • 1.4 2022 EPac (female)
    • 1.5 1965 Atlantic

Beatriz - 1989
Calvin - 19ā€¦

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Isaac829 Isaac829 7 March 2018


So uh, it's been a few years since the last main page update. I think it's about time for something new and also fits the new Wikia design. If you want to help out with the redesign or have an idea for the main page, just comment below.

Also, if you have a neat background that is about 300kb, post it below too. The place could really use some new colors.

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ThatBlindMouse100 ThatBlindMouse100 19 September 2019

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen,

It's only 16 minutes (as I'm typing this) until it's 1st January 2018 here in the UK... Then only the Western Hemisphere has to catch up with us lot.

Anyway.... however you celebrate NYE this year...

šŸ˜ŗšŸ‘£  å„ĆƒĻš“ŸŹø ā“ƒš“”Ļ‰ Ę³ā’ŗļ¼”å°ŗ!!!!  šŸ˜šŸ‘Š 

Ā°Ā°Ā°Ā·.Ā°Ā·..Ā·Ā°ĀÆĀ°Ā·._.Ā·   šŸŽ€  š»š’œš’±šø š’œš’© š’œš‘€š’œš’µš¼š’©š’¢ šŸ¤šŸŒŗšŸ£šŸŖā£ā£  šŸŽ€   Ā·._.Ā·Ā°ĀÆĀ°Ā·..Ā·Ā°.Ā·Ā°Ā°Ā°

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ThatBlindMouse100 ThatBlindMouse100 19 September 2019


HO HO HO TO Y'ALL ;) I hope you're all having a very merry Christmas!

I went through the 2017-18 Western European Windstorm name list (led by MĆ©tĆ©o-France), and the 2018-19 SWIO name list. Here's what I've found:

Notice any similarity? Well, it looks like MĆ©tĆ©o-France directly plucked the names "Irene", "Jose" and "Katia" directly from the 2011 Atlantic hurricane names! Not to mention, in the correct sequential order too! "Leo" and "Marina" seem to be eerily similar names to "Lee" and "Maria". Other names that MĆ©tĆ©o-France seemed to pick out from other hurricane naming lists include "Ana" (Atlantic 2021), "David" (Retired Atlantic 1979), "Felix" (Retired Atlantic 2007), "Olivia" (EPAC 2018) and "Rosa" (EPAC 2018). As well as France, Spain anā€¦

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ThatBlindMouse100 ThatBlindMouse100 19 September 2019

Some Goes-16 pics you never seen before of the 2017 hurricanes!

Wow, can't you believe that the WHem 2017 hurricane seasons are ALMOST DONE?? It only feels like yesterday was the beginning of the season and now it's finally ended! What a dramatic season indeed.

Anyway, here are some unseen pics of the 2017 ATL and EPAC hurricanes so far! More to come later on!

More to come!

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ThatBlindMouse100 ThatBlindMouse100 19 September 2019

To sum up the 2017 Hurricane Seasons...

Hey guys, Rah is back to give you a short feedback (in terms of gifs) based on how the hurricane seasons of 2017 were like since we're nearing the end of the season (finally)!

  • 1 Atlantic
    • 1.1 Arlene to Emily
    • 1.2 Franklin to Gert
    • 1.3 Harvey to Ophelia
    • 1.4 Phillippe
  • 2 East Pacific

This part of the season was the most boring of all. All were weak tropical storms and we thought this would be another dreaded 2013.

This is when the season starts kicking in. Grab those energy snacks!

Do I even need to explain? 

The season is already passing out. Give the Atlantic some coffee! 

...coming soon...

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Whiplash Whiplash 28 August 2017

Is it time to add 'Z' names to the Atlantic naming lists?

With the increasing frequency of storms in the Atlantic the likelihood of running out of names on the annual Atlantic storm name lists is growing. While so far since the advent of the modern naming lists in 1979 there has been only one occasion where the list was exhausted - the hyperactive 2005 season. Yet, since 2005 the number of years seeing large amounts of named storms has jumped. Consider this before 1995 there had never been a year with the P, R, S, or T letters being used, and yet during this decade - which has not even ended - we have had 3 years having P, R, and S named storms and 2 having T named storms. The increasingly likelihood of running our of regular names means that Greek letter names such as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc... ā€¦

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Leeboy100 Leeboy100 23 August 2017

List of Significant Atlantic 'I' Names

So most of us know of how, for some odd reason, there have been more devastating and notable storms, mainly in the Atlantic, with names beginning with the letter "I" than storms that have names beginning with any other letter.

Here's a list of some of the significant "I" named storms I can think of.

Debatable storms either didn't cause as much damage as others, weren't retired, or both.


  • Ione, 1955 (Caused $600 million in damage, first 'I' named storm in the Atlantic to be retired.)
  • Inez, 1966 (Killed at least 750 people)
  • Isabel, 1985 (debatable, as most of the damage it caused was while it was non-tropical)
  • Iris, 2001
  • Isidore, 2002
  • Isabel, 2003
  • Ivan, 2004 (10th most intense Atlantic hurricane, 6th costliest Atlantic hurricane on record.)
  • Ikā€¦
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Hurricane names with actual surnames

Hey everyone! I'm Henriette, from some small boring town in Norway and I am a new user to this Wiki.

I was looking at the hurricane names and thought of some fitting surnames for them based on the name's ethnic origin. Feel free to add your own suggestions!

Amanda Spiker

Boris Travers

Cristina Toloni

Douglas McPhee

Elida Eriksen

Fausto Ricchetti

Genevieve Ljungstrand

Hernan MacClellan

Iselle de Vroom

Julio Trapani

Karina Victorsson

Lowell Holzmann

Andres Amundsen

Blanca Blanco

Carlos Negri

Dolores White

Enrique Antonini

Felicia Christophers

Guillermo Bellincioni

Hilda Skjeggestad

Ignacio Martel

Jimena Charbonneau (Half French, half Spanish, but is a French citizen)

Kevin Boucher

Chantal-Jahzzmyn Forest

Dorian von Ingersleben

Erin Emerson

Fernand Deschamps

Gabrielle Beā€¦

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Leeboy100 Leeboy100 26 June 2017

Coincidences between 2016-17 ATL seasons and past seasons with the same name list.

So I mentioned in Bret's archive it was the first tropical storm to make landfall in Venezuela since 1993. The last storm to do so was anotther tropical storm, also named Bret. So, I've decided to go back to see If I could find more coinceidences between 2017 and years prior with the same name list, and also 2016 and list II just for fun.

Let's start with list II.

List II coincidences: 

In 1980 & 1992, the 'A' names for the respective seasons (Allen for 1980, Andrew for 1992) were both category 5's. The exact same occurrence also happened with the 'M' names for 1998 and 2016 (Mitch, 1998 & Matthew, 2016)

The only 2 category 5's in the 1990's were from this name list (Andrew in 1992, Mitch in 1998)

In 1986 and 1992, both season's final storm wasā€¦

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 19 January 2020

Possible major hurricane landfall?

I've been watching the GFS models lately. That model has been showing a very powerful hurricane hitting Florida. Could this be possibly our first major hurricane landfall in 11 years?

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Raindrop57 Raindrop57 5 September 2016

(For fun) - Hurricane Intensity Estimating!

Happy hurricane season! (Well, at least when a hurricane isn't hitting land!) Anyway, I often look at hurricanes and am like "the NHC has the intensity of this storm WAY too low", or "there is no way that's still a hurricane!". So I decided to have some fun with it by comparing the intensity of a storm according to the NHC with how strong I thought the storm was. Here's the results of Hurricane Gaston:

(Hurricane Newton - With satellite intensity estimates)

(Yes, sorry about the "Untitled" stuff on the bottom, I couldn't find a way to change that without modifying them one by one). Anyway, I thought this would be fun to share.

Anyway, that concludes my first blog post. Stay safe as the 2016 northern hemisphere hurricane season continues! ~Raiā€¦

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 19 January 2020

The complete list of snubbed names

Well, I've been thinking about this one for a while. I've wondered if we could get a complete list of all snubbed storms that ever occurred, in the Atlantic, Eastern Pacfic, and Western Pacific. I will start with the ones I have gathered.

  • Note: * = The storm name was retired later on in a different season.
  • Note: ** = The storm caused (most) of its damage and fatalities while in a different basin, or the storm caused (most) of its damage and fatalities before/after it was a tropical cyclone.
  • Note: *** = The storm qualifies for both of the above listed.

Note: * = The storm name was retired later on in a different season.

Note: These storms only go back to 2000.

Note: * = The storm name was retired later on in a different season.

Nanmadol Doksuri Lan Damrā€¦

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YE YE 23 June 2016

2016 Pacific hurricane season June outlook

Welcome to this outlook; doing something I have not done in quite some time. 2014 and 2015 were some of the most banner, yet tiring years in the Eastern Pacific's long history. Does the season continue on it's 2014 and 2015 legacy, or do we head down a new path?

  • 1 ENSO
    • 1.1 La Nina
  • 2 So far
  • 3 Storm tracks
  • 4 Conclusions

Due to the activity of the 2013 Pacific typhoon season, which resulted in a series of insane intense typhoons, a westerly wind burst, in which the warmer waters of the West Pacific are moved to the Central and Eastern Pacific, was triggered, which combined with a warm sub-surface Pacific, sparked a weak El Nino event by September 2014. This Nino event stayed weaker than what most expected for much of 2014, but as the normally warm waterā€¦

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Bobnekaro Bobnekaro 27 November 2015

Does the NHC save the most interesting post-season analyses for last?

Hi, I'm Bob from Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki if you do not know me.  Does anyone know why the NHC waits longer to do the stronger storms for post-analysis?  Ana, Bill, Claudette, Henri, and Ida have all been re-analyzed, but we are still waiting on Danny, Erika, Fred, Grace, Joaquin and Kate.  The two most interesting storms for post analysis, in my opinion, are Danny and Joaquin.  Danny has a chance to be downgraded to a Category 2 due to its unusually high pressure, and Joaquin has a chance to be upgraded to a Category 5.  

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Leeboy100 Leeboy100 8 October 2015

Which name list has changed the most?

I'm sure everyone has been wondering, which list has changed the most. I'm going to go through every list in chronological order, by list not year, and cross out names that have been retired, the replacement names for which will be in bold. and names that were previously used on the old lists will be underlined on their first use on these lists. I will italicize names that are on the current versions of the list that weren't there when it was first used. You guys get to vote about which one you think has changed the most. This one is for the Atlantic, I will do the Pacific version if I get good feedback. I'm only showing names that were used in each year.

Here we go

Note (since list I is being used this year, I will still cross out names that arā€¦

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SpcardozoComesBack SpcardozoComesBack 2 October 2015

Hurricane Joaquin

Joaquin is now a Major Hurricane. 

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Leeboy100 Leeboy100 21 September 2015

Hurricane Vocabulary.

This is an idea I got to make a guide of hurricane vocabulary for anyone on this wiki who might be new at tracking storms.

I will start out with one of my favorite types of cyclones.

An annular cyclone is a somewhat rare phenomenon in tropical cyclones. They usually have: A large eye, compact wind field, very few rainbands, and can get very intense. Annular storms are often said to resemble doughnuts. Quite a few category 5 hurricanes and typhoons have been annular. Annular storms can also maintain strength longer than regular storms.  

A few examples of annular cyclones:

   Typhoon Nestor (1997) Hurricane Isabel (2003)

Hurricane Katrina (2005)

Hurricane Iselle (2014)

Typhoon Amber (1997)

Typhoon Jelewat (2000)

Hurricane Adrian (2011)

and finally, tā€¦

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ThatBlindMouse100 ThatBlindMouse100 19 September 2019

Theme songs for the 2015 hurricanes!

Hey guys! Lizzie here again!

I have thought up of some theme songs that suit each of the Atlantic/EPAC hurricanes' demeanour, personality and of course, what they did during the time they were a tropical cyclone. This page is still under construction; I am writing A levels this year (1st year; it's a two year course) so I will be very busy! I would also like you guys to contribute in the comments below; give me a song choice!










Blanca: Major Lazer, DJ Snake and MO: Lean On


Dolores: Lost Frequencies: Are You With Me (Kungs remix suits the intensity of this storm wayyy better than the original) or Droideka: Get Hyper (Odile's suggestion)


Felicia: I've just wasted 10 seconds of your life


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ThatBlindMouse100 ThatBlindMouse100 19 September 2019

Name a storm!

Hey guys!

Just to tell you that Met Eireann and the UK Met Office are making their own naming list to name UK/Irish storms and are both calling on the public to name them! All you have to do is send your suggestions to these emails using the subject title "nameourstorms":

and suggest anything possible, even if it's funny!

Tell us what you have suggested in comments below!

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InfiniteStorm162 InfiniteStorm162 6 September 2015

2015 WPac Names retirement

This is my retirement thingy.

Mekkhala: 10% Okay yeah, Mekkhala wan't as damaging as thought.

Higos: 0% Here Fishy Fishy Fishy!

Bavi: 0% See you 6-7 years from now!

Maysak: 50% Meh.

Haishen: 0% Why did this season suck.

Noul: 60% Meh Again.

Dolphin: 14%


Chan-hom: 75% What storm has caused over $1 billion without being retired?

Linfa: 1% One of those minor storms.

Nangka: 20% Like Carlos in the EPac.

Halola: 0% Japan will forget it.

Soudelor: 95% $3.2 billion, 38 deaths? It's most likely retired.

Molave: 0% Nice to see something subtropical! It didn't cause much of anything.

Goni: 90% Oh, 70 deaths.

Astani: 0% C5, no land.

Kilo: 0% (to be updated)

Etau: 1% (to be updated)

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Leeboy100 Leeboy100 6 September 2015

Names that should have been retired

We all know how painfully snubbed Gordon and Hanna were, but what other names do you think should have been retired? leave your picks in the comments. This is for all basins too, not just the Atlantic

Here are my picks: 


  • Gordon (1994) & Hanna (2008) obviously.
  • Dolly, also in 2008
  • Juan, in 1985 (the name 'Juan' was actually retired in 2003, but I think it should have been retired 18 years earlier)
  • Alex and Matthew (2010) 


  • Paul in 1982 (I don't care if it did all that destruction as a depression the fact that it was the second dealiest storm in the Pacific should have warranted retirement)

You can put any name you want. My picks are not off limits so if you agree with me, you can put it in the comments, because I know that everyone wiā€¦

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PuffleXTREME PuffleXTREME 3 September 2015

NameWaste2015 EPac - Results

Of the 3 contestants, we have decided a winner for #NameWaste2015 - EPac. And the winner of #NameWaste2015 is.....FELICIA! Yes, it's Felicia. With just barely making it to TS status, this storm is the weakest named storm on record in the EPac, with only 40 mph, and 1004 mb! This storm does not even deserve TS Status!

Note that Enrique is actually 3rd, although he and Kevin were identical in strength, Enrique became a TS a second time. Then I was cheering. Results are subject to change for #NameWaste2015, however Felicia will stay in 1st.

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YE YE 26 June 2015

2015 Pacific hurricane season June outlook

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. So far in Vegas, it's been pretty nice, and it's cloudy as I type this. The PHS is on to a record start, now the question is will it stay that way?

  • 1 El Nino
  • 2 So far
  • 3 The Hawaii door
  • 4 Uncertainty
  • 5 Conclusion

ENSO is a huge wildcard when forecasting EPAC seasons. Sure, recent research done by me has suggested that there are many other factors that need to be taken into account. But let's not understate the importance of ENSO.

Right now, as you probably know, we are in the midst of an El Nino event. El Nino has large effects on the weather across the globe, such as drought in India and Australia, and record rains across Peru, and certain parts of Africa. El Nino is the reversal of trade winds (from easterly toā€¦

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YE YE 19 May 2015

2015 Pacific hurricane season May outlook

So, good afternoon everybody. Yep, it's that time of month again. With hurricane season underway, it's time for my second hurricane seaosn outlook typically done in late May. My next outlook is set for June, but it could be in July.

  • 1 El Nino
    • 1.1 What does this mean for hurricane season?
  • 2 Weak MJO
  • 3 Other trends
  • 4 Looking ahead, mutli-years in advance
  • 5 Land impacts
  • 6 Outlook
    • 6.1 Analogues
    • 6.2 Conclusion

As of late, El Nino has been intensifying. Although officially according to the Climate Prediction Center, Nino 3+4 weeklies have remained the same at +1.0C for four consecutive weeks, dating back to shortly after my April outlook, satellite data courtesy of Levi Cowan has indicated that over the past few weeks, Nino 3.4 (official one), Nino 3 (around 150Wiā€¦

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YE YE 3 April 2015

2015 Pacific hurricane season April outlook

Happy April! April Showers bring May flowers, but here in the Nevada desert, there is no rain at this time of year. Flowers are blooming and the days are getting longer and longer! Winter has been record warmth this year here in Vegas, but will that carry over to the hurricane seaosn?

  • 1 Intro
    • 1.1 2014 recap
    • 1.2 El Nino
      • 1.2.1 Will we get a super El Nino?
  • 2 PDO
  • 3 Sea surface temperatures
  • 4 Other factors
  • 5 Negative factors
  • 6 Overall

In 2013, an unusually powerful +NPO block was noted across the Gulf of Alaska. This spark, which not only triggered a very cold winter across the US that year, warmed the water since high pressure means warmer sea surface temperature. This is at least partially responsible for a +PDO flip that was noted in early 2014, and sparked thā€¦

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Ryan1000 Ryan1000 15 January 2015

Ryan1000's Official Predictions for worldwide activity of 2015

Began this a little late, but nonetheless, here's my calls for worldwide activity of 2015:

  • 1 North Atlantic
  • 2 East Pacific
  • 3 West Pacific
  • 4 North Indian Ocean
  • 5 Southern Hemisphere

  • 7-10 named storms
  • 4-6 hurricanes
  • 1-3 major hurricanes
  • ACE totals 60-95% of median

We are currently in a strong El Nino this year, so the Atlantic is most likely to be below normal in activity.

  • 17-22 named storms
  • 10-14 hurricanes
  • 5-9 major hurricanes
  • ACE totals 115-155% of median

Last year's season caught a lot of us by surprise, with my predicted named storm count turning out to be accurate but having a record number of hurricanes, second-highest number of major hurricanes, and having the highest ACE totals in more than 20 years. This year's season is also very likely to be above aā€¦

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HurricaneMaker99 HurricaneMaker99 25 September 2014

Watching Forrest Gump

...and I found out that Hurricane Carmen played a role in Forrest's in-film success! I won't mention how Carmen helped because I don't want to spoil it for anybody - look it up on Wikipedia if you must find out and can't wait to watch the movie ;D

I'm pleasantly surprised to see this underdog of retired hurricanes get some pop culture kudos. Just figured I'd share that with you all.

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YE YE 19 September 2014

2014 Pacific hurricane season September update

So phew it's been a long ride. Ill do more recapping once the years is over, as we still have another 4-6 weeks left.

  • 1 So far
    • 1.1 And it did
  • 2 Factors
  • 3 Final outlook
  • 4 Closing

I do not think I need to explain what made this season, because I think we all know. But it's been a wild ride. It all started in May, with Amanda, and was followed by Cristina a few weeks later. What did Amanda do? It set the tone for the season. It was the first storm that explosively intensified. When the rest of the storms, intensified it was admittedly marginally less shocking (though still fun as hec). When Amanda exploded (and Cristina too), it was downright shocking.

With that said, I wouldn't even say Amanda was the storm that caused me to know for sure that this seasoā€¦

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ThatBlindMouse100 ThatBlindMouse100 19 September 2019

Theme songs for the 2014 hurricanes!

Hey guys! I have thought about something... what if the hurricanes this year had... a song to suit their personality? A theme song?!?

Here is what I am thinking for each of them:

Arthur: The "Arthur" theme song.



Dolly: Jolene by Dolly Parton. Need I say more?

Edouard: Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. He's bigger than the rest.



Chrissy: Genie In A Bottle by Christina Aguilera. All that magic turned her into a major.

Doug: Waves by Mr Schulz. The song itself, its melody and the lyrics suit Douglas's chilled, shy and somewhat nonchalant demeanour. He reminds me of Fluttershy, personality-wise.



Genny: Axel F by Crazy Frog. Genevieve screws logic.


Iselle: Oops...! I Did It Again by Britney Spears will complementā€¦

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YE YE 12 August 2014

2014 Pacific hurricane season August outlook

  • 1 Extreme levels of activity
    • 1.1 Comparisons
  • 2 Discussion
    • 2.1 El Nino
  • 3 Summary

Obviously, the East Pacific has been a very very busy place so far this year. Here is this years stat line: 2014 11 6 5 85 7.7

Pretty good, right? Well, that doesn't really tell the big story. It's the intensity that the season has. It just feels different. Conditions are just very favorable as of late. Somewhat low wind shear, warm waters, fairly moist air. The cooling of Nino 1+2 may have increased shear a little, but it seems to have relaxed as of late. Instability is fine, waters are warm, we were just waiting for some Kelvin Wave/MJO activity which occurred a few weeks ago. And since then, boy the season has taken off and shifted into high gear. And since then, we'vā€¦

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Leeboy100 Leeboy100 6 August 2014

Leeboy100's blog of storms

Looking back in history (and mainly on wikipedia) I found that 1994 and 2009 pacific hurricane seasons were strangely similar in some cases. Here are a few 

"The 2009 Pacific hurricane season was the most active Pacific hurricane season since 1994."

 "For the first time in ten years, no tropical depressions formed during the month of May. This inactivity continued into the early part of June and was the least active since 1994"

Some similarities that I could find is:

  • Excluding depressions, both seasons had 20 storms
  • Neither season had a storm in May
  • Strangely both season's first storm formed on June 18th!
  • Also both seasons ended just one day apart! October 26 in 1994 and October 27th 2009!
  • Both season had a strong Category 5: John (1994) and Rick (2ā€¦

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YE YE 15 July 2014

2014 Pacific hurricane season July projection

Hi everyone. Summer is in full swing and the North American Monsoon is giving me rain every few days. Other days it is sours into the triple digits and many desperate Nevadans like myself seek shelter in pools for relief.

In May, you could tell that the season was hyped, and expectations were higher than ever. A series of WWB's have sparked an El Nino and for a while, it appeared it would be a super one. Everything looked almost perfect quite remarkable for an inactive phase. Shear was low, vertical instability was high SSTS' were fairly warm. A pre-season invest only added to the elevated expectations.

Yet somehow someway, it lived up to the expectations. At least for a while. Actually, no it did not. It exceeded them. When Amanda formed toā€¦

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CobraStrike CobraStrike 9 June 2014

CS-CFC Update: June 9, 2014

This is a blog update for the CobraStrike Coastal Forecasting Center, which provides updates on potential tropical cyclone impacts near the coasts of the eastern Pacific and north Atlantic. THIS IS NOT NHC DATA! DO NOT USE THIS INFORMATION FOR EMERGENCY PLANNING.


15.9N, 101.9W Tracking W at 5 mph Maximum winds 35 mph, higher gusts Maximum radii of maximum winds - roughly 30 or so nautical miles
^WINDS... Model consensus provides the solution that 03E will move out into sea, and given the size of the storm, will likely not produce considerably damaging winds along the Mexican coast. Sustained winds will likely peak along the coast below tropical storm force at around 30 or 35 mph. However, it is possible for iā€¦

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YE YE 19 May 2014

2014 PHS May 29 update

  • 1 Intro
  • 2 2013 recap
  • 3 2014 forecast
    • 3.1 1997
    • 3.2 Conditions/expectations (for 2014)

Hello, welcome to this page on the World Wide Web. Now, it is time to blow this page up. At 5 4 3 2 1 blastoff. No, Iā€™m just kidding.

So, itā€™s the fifth day of the 2014 Pacific hurricane season. Weā€™ve seen two invests, both of which earned a TCFA, but both busted. This season will my 11th season since I remotely started paying attention to tropical cyclones in the Eastern North Pacific. This is my 9th season since I started following the EPAC more closely, so naturally, Iā€™m relatively experienced, having witness two El Nino years (2006 and 2009) and nearly another (2012).

So, letā€™s give a little recap of last season. It had 20 storms, 9 hurricanes, and 1 major hurricā€¦

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Steve820 Steve820 8 February 2014

Changing my name

Ok guys, it is time to announce...... A USERNAME CHANGE!! I'm going to change my username to "Steve820". I think that my current name seems a little weird with the string of numbers at the end (09876). I think its weird because of how my current username was made when I typed my name (Steven) and then moved my finger backwards across the keyboard from "0" to "6". At that time, I couldn't think of any better username since I thought most of the names I wanted were already taken on Wikia. Well now, I've thought of a much better username called "Steve820", which luckily isn't already taken and which I am about to rename it to. That name consists of my name "Steven", removing the "n" to create the more awesome name of "Steve", and then, the "8ā€¦

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Spcardozo Spcardozo 5 February 2014

forecast for 2014 atlantic hurricane season

there will be 16-21 tropical depressions, 9-11 named storms, 3-5 hurricanes and 1-2 major hurricanes.

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ThatBlindMouse100 ThatBlindMouse100 19 September 2019


Sup ppl! 2014 has BEGUN WOOOOOTTTT!!!!!!!!!!! And getting ready for DA FIREWORKZ DISPLAY!!! WOOOOTTT!!!! Anyway... 2013's storms may have failed but they have no sign of stopping (ish!) 

Yes, these two are a bit hyper for the new year (they seriously hated 2013) so they decided to start an epic rap battle of history...

Epic Rap Battles of History!

Hurricane Raymond VS Hurricane Humberto!



Yea, strongest storm of 2013 in the good ol' West

Sole major cane of the whole of the West

Nobody can compare to me, not even you

Come get me, come overthrow me

I'll stand on my throne forever and ever

Your fancy lil' name can't even explain

Why you're the strongest storm of the rubbish Atlantic season!


Hey there, Ray,

Everybody loves you? Nahā€¦

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