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This is the forum page for Favorite storms of 2011.

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Here's a new forum for this Wiki, for anyone who wants to mention their most favorite storms of 2011(thus far) My(revised) top 10 are here(you can put however many you want):

1(tie) - Kenneth - Wow. What a storm. I never anticipated seeing a major hurricane in November in this non-el nino season, but this was just an incredible storm to track.

1(tie) - Rolf - Wow. A storm in the Meditteranean Sea. That's a once-in-a lifetime event to see. Rolf formed in the Gulf of Lion off of southern France, but without any signifigant impacts.

1(tie) - Arani - An extremely rare SATL storm in March, that ties for no. 1.

4 - Adrian - It was an impressive storm, but still didn't affect land.

5 - Dora - A storm that exploded into the strongest storm of the EPac season, that alone is one of my top 10 2011 favorites.

6 - Bune - A very Impressive SPac storm, large-eye, and no effects on land.

7 - Atu - Became a category 4 extremly fast, and managed to hang on long enough to be a category 2 days later.

8 - Bianca - Became a category 4 when it was never anticipated to, again, like Julia of last year's AHS and Adrian of this year.

9 - Beatriz - scared the piss off of southern Mexico but they not only came off well, but Beatriz dissipated less than 18 hours after affecting them, possibly a record for rapid weakening.

10 - Wilma - A storm that knocked up Tonga and the Samoa a bit, but wasn't so bad, and became a category 4 at about the same latitude as Brisbane, AUS, somewhat far south.

Ryan1000 00:11, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

Yqt1001's Favourite Storms of 2011 (LAST UPDATED: June 2011)[]

Well a while back I made my list for this half of the year, so I'll guess I'll just copy and paste. I'll make a top 10 in December. My favourite storms of 2011 so far:

1. Hurricane Adrian, EPac

Stayed out to sea and put on a very impressive 24 hour long rapid intensification. Showed quite a few signs of being annular too.

2. Subtropical Storm Arani, SAtl

A very, very, very, very rare South Atlantic subtropical storm. That alone is worth being in the top 10

3. Typhoon Songda, WPac

First category 5 storm of the year, it also put on an amazing display of rapid intensification. It looked very pretty and was a very powerful storm.

4. Cyclone Yasi, AUS/SPac

Might have been devastating, but this storm was impressive. It was huge, really huge and it was strong..really strong.

5. Cyclone Bingiza, SWIO

A very massive storm that put on a good display of rapid intensification over Madagascar. It was also strong and devastating. Yqt1001 00:40, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

Hurricane Andrew's Favorite Storms of 2011[]

Here are my number 10 storms:
'#'#10: Super Typhoon Songda, WPac
First Category 5 in May since 2004, hit Japan, this was a monster. However, it didn't affect any land as bad as it looked like to me.
#9: Hurricane Ophelia, NAtl
Like Maria and Philippe, it fought the shear to become a hurricane.
#8: Hurricane Maria, NAtl
Like Philippe, she defied shear and became a hurricane. Also, Maria set a new record that I love: it marked the first time ever two hurricanes hit NF for two years straight.
#7: Severe Tropical Storm Meari, WPac
Entered a region where you wouldn't normally see a TC. It also hit South Korea, which is again, rare. That says it all!
#6: Hurricane Philippe, NAtl
He was such a long-lasting storm, and defied shear and became a hurricane. Philippe is the longest storm I've ever traacked.
#4(tie): Hurricane Adrian, EPac
At first, I didn't think this storm was notable. But after noticing its rapid intensification, I think Adrian deserves to be #1.
#4(tie): Subtropical Cyclone Arani, SAtl
OMG... this is the the freakiest storm I've ever heard. It is only the ninth SAtl tropical cyclone ever recorded, the third named storm (after Catarina 2004 and Anita 2010), and the second officially named storm. Despite its rare history, Arani didn't do a lot of damage.
#3: Hurricane Dora, EPac
Nearly became a Category 5, was so cool to see. And didn't affect land, either.
#2: Tropical Storm Rolf, Mediterranean Sea
OMG...NEVER...EVER...have I tracked a "Medi-cane"! This is automatically my #2 storm!
#1: Hurricane Kenneth, EPac
What were the cances of us getting a November major hurricane in a La Nina year? This #1 is for what he was able to do.
Andrew444 22:35, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

Here are mine to EPAC storms of 2010-11 1. Omeka 2. Celia 3. Adrian 4. Beatriz 5. Agatha YE Tropical Cyclone 16:58, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

Dylan's Storm Selects[]

Except for Yasi, I missed pretty much everything until Adrian this year, so I'll just post my top 3 (so far):

  1. Hurricane Dora, EPac — This was really fun to track. Just a beautiful storm, extremely powerful and, apart from some high swells, its only effects on land were pretty sunsets.
  2. Subtropical Storm Arani, SAtl — Forming in a region like the SAtl alone merits placing Arani this high; and I didn't even track it! I only knew about Arani from reading about him after the fact; I can only imagine what it would have been like to have actually tracked him...
  3. Tropical Storm Bret, NAtl — I know I'm going to be in the minority here, but I can safely call Bret one of my favorites so far. Even though he was nearly a fishspinner, Bret was a storm that just held on and on and on, despite conditions which should have sucker-punched him straight out of the ring.

--HurricaneMaker99 17:55, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

CobraStrike's Top 2011 Hurricanes (So Far)[]

Here's my top few:

  1. Invest 90L, (ATL, July): You may be REALLY suprised that I picked this guy. I live in Austin, and he'll finally bring rain (that's a MAYBE). But hey, if you're -2" of rain for the month and -16" of rain for the year, you'll love this storm bringing some rain to town.
  2. Hurricane Dora, (EPAC, July): This was a fun hurricane. It stayed off shore, didn't do any deaths, and was powerful. Those eyewall mesovortices and the almost annular appearance made it beautiful. When it explosively intensified from a minimal hurricane to an *almost* category 5, you were like OMG. When it didn't become a category 5 you were like "what?" And when it suddenly dissipated you were like awww man.
  3. Tropical Storm Bret, (ATL, July): This was one that defied so many predictions. In the face of terror (for the hurricanes), it stood up and made a fight against the unfavorable atmospheric conditions. However, as with all other hurricanes, it lost and flew away to the north.
  4. Hurricane Adrian, (EPAC, July): Because of the 2010 season, I was snoozing and pushed the Pacific hurricane season to the corner. However, Hurricane Adrian exploded out of no where and pretty much woke up everyone. For a storm so powerful and so early in the season, you have to give it credit.
  5. Depression BOB01, (NIO, February): A storm that never reached land, never reached tropical storm status, yet affected so many. However, its in my top list because of its strange track...

List fix...say by to Invest 90L/Don. Fizzling out? Nah.

Cyclone10's favorite cyclones[]

  1. Tropical Storm Rolf
  2. Hurricane Ophelia
  3. Hurricane Irwin
  4. Tropical Storm Bret
  5. Hurricane Dora
  6. Hurricane Irene
  7. Hurricane Beatriz
  8. Tropical Storm Jose
  9. Tropical Storm Cindy
  10. Typhoon Songda
  11. Tropical Storm Noct-Ten
  12. Hurricane Calvin
  13. Hurricane Adrian
  14. Tropical Storm Merbok
  15. Typhoon Nesat
  16. Tropical Storm Fernanda
  17. Hurricane Katia
  18. Tropical Storm Aere
  19. Typhoon Nanmadol
  20. Tropical Storm Talas

ALLAN jeffs favorite[]

  1. Kenneth is the most amazing storm I have seen this year and also occured in my birthday month is like a lenny for the pacific and an beautiful storm
  2. Yasi huge storm that could have cover half of central america or more i feel sorry for Australia this year
  3. Rolf quite storm to develop in the mediterranean amazing nontheless
  4. Adrain favorite male name storm of this Basin love how because of his start the Eastern pacific
  5. tie Irwin love this hurricane how he explode and then weaken rapidly to survive a lot
  6. Jova love her how beautiful she was
  7. Sean how he beat some forecasters that no storms will form in November
  8. Roke how he passed to dying to a major amazing
  9. Sonca love that cat 2 typhoon
  10. Arlene to almost become a hurricane
  11. Fenrnada just because she was the only storm to don`t become a hurricane
  12. AND SORRY CYCLONE 10 BUT I COULDN`T TAKE THE NUMBERS I TRY BUT COULDN`T Allanjeffs 18:41, November 25, 2011 (UTC)

=Max's favs[]

Max1994C 02:29, February 17, 2012 (UTC)

1- Irwin: For the first time since irwin was first named in 1981, it was a hurricane, a Category-2. It was awesome to watch it and see it become a hurricane.

2- Ophelia: This was this first time that Ophelia was a major hurricane- A Category-4! Awesome.

3- Lee: Lee was stronger than it was in 2005, by 20 mph.

4- Eugene: This was the first time eugene was a Category-4.

5- Rina: The first time Rina was used and it was a major hurricane.

6- Bret: Bret Formed off of the east coast of the US like it did in 1981.

7- Irene: It would have been even more deadly and disasterous if irene made landfall in the US at peak intensity.

8- Roke: That thing just blew.

  • Literally*

9- Sean: It was awesome seeing it subtropical.

10- East Pacific: All but one of the tropical storms that formed in the east pacific became hurricanes, it was nuts.

Spcardozo's favorite of 2011[]

1. Sean 2. Irene(like being retired) Spcardozo (talk) 00:43, February 5, 2014 (UTC)


Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala 20:25, May 9, 2012 (UTC)Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala

And the winner for East Pacific favourite storm 2011 goes to.......... KENNETH! The reason is that he formed the day before my birthday. LOL. (Overall winner)[]

North Atlantic favourite storm: the winner is.................. Uhhh, I dunno. -_- LOL.