Hurricane Wiki

This is the forum page for Favorite storms of 2012.

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Favorite Storms of 2012[]

I won't mind starting this early. We got a invest in SWIO.10Q.INVEST 02:42, October 4, 2011 (UTC)

Isaac829's Favorite Storms[]

  1. Typhoon Vicente
  2. Hurricane Sandy
  3. Typhoon Pablo
  4. Typhoon Tembin
  5. Hurricane Bud
  6. Cyclone Jasmine
  7. Cyclone Anais
  8. Cyclone Giovanna
  9. Typhoon Bolaven
  10. Hurricane Chris

Isaac829E-Mail 21:23, December 8, 2012 (UTC)

Andrew444's Top 5 Favorite Storms[]

  • Hurricane Chris
  • Hurricane Emilia
  • Hurricane Daniel
  • Severe Tropical Storm Kuena
  • Tropical Storm Beryl

AndrewTalk To MeContribsMail Me

CobraStrike's Top 5 Storms[]

  • Cylone Jasmine
  • Typhoon Mawar (Ambo)
  • Tropical Storm Beryl
  • Hurricane Bud
  • Tropical Storm Alberto

atomic7732's best storms from each basin[]

WPAC - Typhoon Damrey
EPAC - Hurricane Fabio
ATL - Hurricane Chris

The H Factor (Liz)[]

Ok, here goes. This is how my system works, a talent show called the H factor.


Carla (1961)

Allen (1980)

Igor (2010)

ATLANTIC Presenter: Fabian (2003) yuss. da fab ian. :D


  • Alberto - Dora: Yes. Carla: Um. Ok, then I'll give you a chance. Yes. Allen: Yes. Igor: Uh, no. (Out of competition)
  • Beryl - Dora: What an epic storm. So I'mma say... Yes. Carla: Yes. Allen: Yes. Igor: 4 Yes's, you're through!
  • Chris - Dora: No, sorry. Carla: OOO! I liked that, I want MORE, so YES! Allen: I'm going to agree with Dora. Igor: What the heck was that. No. Fabian: Well DO YOU KNOW WHAT? I think this Chris was FABULOUS. Wanna show the judges how? HIT IT! (Out of competition)
  • Debby - Dora: yes Carla: yes Allen: yes Igor: ABSOLUTELY NO.
  • Ernesto - Dora: yes Carla: yes Allen:yes Igor: 100% NO.
  • Florence - Dora: *snoozes* no. Carla: no, so sorry. Allen: Very boring, so no. Igor: ABSOLUTELY NO. (Out of competition)
  • Gordon - Dora: yes. Carla: YUSS Allen: No Igor: I quite liked that, Don't listen to Allen, so yes.
  • Helene - Dora: YES. Carla: 999% Yes. Allen: yes. Igor: NO. I HATED THAT.
  • Isaac -
  • Joyce -
  • Kirk -
  • Leslie -
  • Michael -
  • Nadine -

(under construction)

Fabian: ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT. THE WINNERS ARE............ (drum roll)


Pretty descent, uh?

File:Princess cadance pixel trot by klopp22-d4zfuk2.gifFile:Mlp.pngRaraah, Awesome PonyFile:Mlp.pngFile:Princess cadance pixel trot by klopp22-d4zfuk2.gif 17:51, December 19, 2012 (UTC)